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Yellow Chair
Who's gonna sit there
On my little yellow chair
It did'nt cost me so much
But it's comfortable enough
If you are not a kind of snob
So please make a little stop
Stay relax on the yello seat
And stay as long as you need
On my little yellow chair
A mellow place of walfare
On my little yello chair
And if you have some time spare
My little chair - a pretty yellow one
My litte chair - Ready to welcome
I won't tell no lies
You don't have to pay a price
As you gently close your eyes
You will dance in paradise
Sitting down on this place
Like in a big open space
Grass il always green at home
Dont' forget to come along
Mind yourself that at anytime
On rainy days or at sunshine
If you burden is heavy yet
Come around & you won't regret
There's a place for you in my heart
You can simply come and go back
Let you & just for a rest
You'll be my special guest
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